09 Aug
In Australia, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) remains one of the leading causes of death, with thousands of lives lost each year. Fortunate...
14 Jan
Children & defibrillators: what you need to consider
A question that we often ask is whether defibrillators are safe to use on children. Most modern defibrillators have been designed so that they can be safely used on children—many defib manufacturers also provide smaller electrode pads and batteries which are specifically designed to suit children and infants.
31 Dec
Do you need to be trained to use a defibrillator?
We regularly get asked by our students about how easy defibrillators are to use and if you require prior training to be able to use one. The answer is that modern defibs are designed to be easy enough to be used by anyone. Learn more about using defibrillators in our latest blog post.
30 Apr
parkrun defibrillator Saves a Life
Recently our director Scott Whimpey caught up with the team from parkrun Australia to chat all things defibrillators and first responde...
23 Apr
Helping the Community Post Comm Games
It's been a year since the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games was held, but the positive effects are still being felt across the commun...
16 Apr
Why You Need to Learn Basic CPR
CPR is one of those things that always sits in the back of your head; you know you probably SHOULD learn it, but you're just so busy it...
19 Mar
Diving and Snorkelling Vessels To Have Mandatory AEDs on Board
In response to a spate of cardiac-related incidents involving recreational diving and snorkelling vessels, the QLD Government handed do...
12 Mar
FAAE Sponsors Defib Through OMS Clinic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOlEFsPJFtM&feature=youtu.be First Aid Accident & Emergency were proud to part...
23 Oct
Defibs and CPR: They Go Hand in Hand
Chocolate and strawberries. Bread and butter. Salt and pepper. Some things are just made to go together, and such is the case ...
14 Aug
Defibrillators for Construction
The Gold Coast is booming right now in construction, and with all these additional worksites comes the risk of working in medium-high r...