Diving and Snorkelling Vessels To Have Mandatory AEDs on Board
In response to a spate of cardiac-related incidents involving recreational diving and snorkelling vessels, the QLD Government handed down legislation in 2018 that stipulates all tourist reef vessels that undertake diving or snorkelling must have a functioning defibrillator onboard.
The move brings a sense of security and confidence to tourists and operators alike as defibrillation can now occur within a few minutes of an incident, rather than having to wait until a vessel reached shore.
Lead Training Facilitator at First Aid Accident & Emergency, Scott Whimpey, whole-heartedly supports the new legislation. “Time is absolutely of the essence in a cardiac emergency, and this new legislation gives people precious extra minutes to commence defibrillation,” says Scott. “There are now a range of defibrillators on the market that cater specifically for marine vessels with their water and weather resistance so vessel operators can feel confident that their AED works like it’s supposed to every time.”
Scott hopes that eventually the legislation will extend to all business and recreational clubs and facilities. “Around 25,000 people suffer sudden cardiac arrest every year in Australia, and sadly only 10% survive,” Scott continues. “Having a defibrillator onsite at every commercial business, club and facility would go a long way to ensuring workers and guests had the best chance of survival in a medical emergency.”
The latest defibrillators by Heartsine – the samaritan range – are the perfect defibrillators for marine vessels.
Featuring the latest cutting edge technology and an IPX rating of 56, the 360P is perfect for marine use in all kinds of weather and can be used in both adult and paediatric emergencies. The HeartSine design is easy-to-operate and durable with voice and visual prompts, helping the user through pad placement and CPR in an emergency. The AED will also analyse the heart rhythm and automatically deliver an electrical shock (if needed). When purchased in the handy value pack, customers also receive an alarmed wall cabinet, patient prep kit, wall charts and online training resources – all for $1,999.00. With all these fantastic features, it’s easy to see why the 360P is one of the most popular defibrillators on the market.