Re-Start A Heart Day

Participate in Restart a Heart Day

Re-Start A Heart Day is an annual international initiative to bring awareness to the importance of learning CPR skills and increasing access to AEDs in the global community. This year Re-Start A Heart Day falls on October 16th. For this year’s Re-Start A Heart Day, FAAE are pledging $50.00 for every Defibrillator sold at our online Defibrillator Shop between the week of October 12th – 19th 2020. These donations will help save lives throughout Australia.

Defibrillators & Sport: Should your club have a defib?

Sudden cardiac arrest is unpredictable and can happen to even fit and healthy individuals. This is why we encourage all workplaces, schools and any other kind of public space to seriously consider having a defib readily available to be used in the event of an emergency. This recommendation also applies to sporting clubs and recreation centres.

Does a Defibrillator Restart Your Heart?

Here at First Aid Accident & Emergency, we make it our mission to provide education surrounding defibrillators, including what they’re used for and how they work. We aim to raise awareness and help you understand how important defibrillators are so you will hopefully consider investing in one of these life-saving devices.