2 year anniversary of the GC 2018 Commonwealth Games
It was just over 2 years ago, First Aid Accident & Emergency #FAAE were appointed the official Defibrillator supplier to the GC 2018 Commonwealth Games #gc2018. As a Registered Training Organisation RTO-32508 and Defibrillator specalist, FAAE were tasked to help roll out over 200 #defibrillators and supply basic training for one of the largest sporting events in Australia.
Our team got to work and put in place the foundation that would pave the way to set up an everlasting #legacy for community organisations on the Gold Coast.
Defibrillators were rolled out and online education was geared up, 1000’s of games volunteers were trained in the use of our #CRPlus AED’s from Stryker. As a local Gold Coast , first aid training and Defibrillator specialist, FAAE’s dream was and still is, to make the games and the Gold Coast #heartSafe, we imagined 1000’s of games staff knowing and understanding #CPR and being able to implement the #thechainofsurvival in times of need.
We knew having access to a Defibrillator within 3 minutes of any cardiac event, would save lives.
Our director – Scott Whimpey, worked with the Games team to help deliver the #AED’s to every Commonwealth Games venue, to make the entire event Heart Safe.
No doubt that #gc2018 was a massive success, and a real feather in the cap of the Gold Coast. Once everything finished up, the AED’s were handed back the City of Gold Coast, and a grant system was set up for local clubs to apply for AED’s.
FAAE helped the City of Gold Coast and the Mayor Tom Tate, roll out all the Defibrillators to local Gold Coast clubs, and FAAE set about helping 100’s of local sporting and non-profit clubs become #heartsafe.
Scott Whimpey- FAAE Director said- “As a true local Gold Coaster – attending Miami SHS, It was my dream to have all the #defibs stay at home on the GC after the games, we were pushing everyone to get theses #lifesaving devices out to local community clubs”.
“It was a busy time, but reflecting now on the achievement of FAAE and the City of Gold Coast over the Games period, makes me proud to have been part of this local AED initiative. Making our beautiful Gold Coast City one of the safest places in Australia, and most of all #heartsafe”.
That’s right – over 200 Gold Coast clubs #sharedthedream, and the legacy of the Games, received our Defibs with training and support from one of the largest Defibrillator suppliers in Australia FAAE.
We can’t believe how 2 years have flown by, keep an eye out for our Defibrillators at your local club and support a 100% Australian Defibrillator specialist for your next AED.