Defibrillators, FAAE News, First Aid Advice

Defibrillator Fun Facts: What you might not know about defibs



Defibrillator Fun Facts:


What you might not know about defibs

Thanks to film and TV programs, many of us have unrealistic expectations when it comes to defibrillators, what they do and how they work. As it’s becoming more apparent how essential it is to invest in a defibrillator, we want to ensure more people have a solid understanding when it comes to defibs!

Luckily, the team at First Aid Accident & Emergency are experts in defibrillators—we’ve put together a summary of a few fun facts that you might not know about defibs.

Defibrillators are easy to use:

Modern AEDs are extremely easy to use. They are designed to provide the rescuer with clear step-by-step instructions of exactly what to do throughout the entire resuscitation process. Many defibs such as HeartSine defibrillators provide you with both visual and verbal prompts, instructing you when and where to attach the electrode pads to the patient, as well as helping to conduct CPR correctly.

You don’t need training to use a defibrillator:

You don’t need to be a medical professional or to have completed any kind of formal training to be able to use a defib. Many AEDs are placed in public spaces and are intended to be used in emergencies, so there won’t always be someone around that has completed defibrillator training. For these reasons, defibs are straightforward enough to be used by those who have never completed training and those who have never had to use a defib before.

Defibrillators can be used on children:

Cardiac arrest isn’t something that only happens to adults—children are also at risk. Because of this, defibrillators have been designed so that they are safe to use on children. If the child is younger than 8 years of age or weighs less than 25kg, it is however recommended that child electrode pads and a child battery are used for the resuscitation. Specially designed child batteries and electrode pads help to ensure that an appropriate energy level is delivered to the child which is better suited to their small size. We recommend you consider purchasing a child defibrillator battery and pad pack.

A defibrillator won’t restart a heart once it has stopped:
If you read our blog from last week, you would already know about this fun fact. Defibrillators are designed to detect irregular heart rhythms that occur when the heart goes into a state of cardiac arrest. If this kind of rhythm is detected by the defib, a shock will be sent to the heart of the patient to get it back to its natural rhythm. Therefore, a defib isn’t used to restart a heart once it has already flatlined entirely but rather shock the heart back to its normal beat.

Would you like more information on defibrillators? Get in contact with the specialists at FAAE today or browse our online shop to see our extensive range of defibrillators and defibrillator packs. 

If you would like to ensure you’re prepared for a medical emergency, why not take part in one of our first aid and CPR courses? View all available courses via our online booking system

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