
Managing Severe Bleeding

Here at First Aid Accident & Emergency, we regularly teach our first aid students about the most accurate and up-to-date ways to deal with a wide range of emergency medical scenarios. One of these scenarios is how to best manage severe and life-threatening bleeding.


Tourniquets: Top Tips

If you find yourself in the middle of a medical emergency where life-threatening bleeding is involved, using a tourniquet is often your best option until medical assistance arrives. We’ve decided to share some of our knowledge with you on tourniquets, including a summary of what they are and how to use them.


First Aid Training At Work: All About Our Onsite First Aid Training

Ensure you and your staff are prepared to manage a complete range of medical emergencies by considering an onsite first aid training session with the experts at FAAE. Our professional team travel to workplaces all over the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Northern NSW regions to deliver fun and informative first aid and CPR training courses.

How To Survive a Shark Attack

Sharks are predators and normally hunt their natural prey—marine creatures. Sometimes however, they get a little bit edgy and attack a person. The team at First Aid Accident & Emergency has put together a guide on some top tips for surviving a shark attack.