Defibrillators, FAAE News, First Aid Advice

Which Defibrillators Are The Best Of The Best?

First Aid dummy with defibrillator on in training

Which Defibrillators

Are The Best Of The Best?

Defibrillators are being installed in an increasingly diverse range of locations across Australia and with good reason. If someone has a sudden cardiac arrest at home or anywhere and there a defib is located nearby, the chance of survival increases dramatically. In fact, if a bystander reacts within 3-5 minutes of the person’s collapse, and a defibrillator is used, the survival rates are as high as 50-75%. 

With defibrillators playing such a vital role in emergency situations, it’s important that you choose the best defib for your particular needs, location and budget. Let’s take a look at some of the best defibrillators available on the market, so you can be sure that you make the right purchase.

The Lifepak CR2 Essential Automatic Defibrillator

Featuring the most advanced operating system of any defibrillator on the market, the Lifepak CR2 Essential is one of the best choices out there. This model comes with both child and adult modes, making this defib a great choice for schools, childcare centres or anywhere else where a rescuer might encounter patients of varying ages.

Specifically designed with the rescuer in mind, the Lifepak CR2 Essential Automatic prompts rescuers with simple graphics, clear audible instructions with a metronome. This defib has an IP rating of 55, meaning it is tough, is resistant to dust, wind and water and it can also hold up to being dropped. With its durable construction, you know you can rely on the Lifepak CR2 Essential in just about any situation.

HeartSine Automatic 360P Defibrillator

The HeartSine Automatic 360P has established itself as the new standard for EMT’s and first responders across the country. Featuring an impressive CPR Advisor that provides realtime feedback on your CPR efforts, this defibrillator is highly effective and easy to use.

Weighing just 1.1kg, the HeartSine Automatic 360P defib is lightweight making for easy use. It has also been awarded one of the highest weather resistance ratings in its class, an impressive IPX 56. This makes it a great choice for outdoor locations, marine environments and anywhere else that may be exposed to the elements.


Choose The Best Defib With First Aid Accident and Emergency

As the official defibrillator supplier to the Gold Coast Australia 2018 Commonwealth Games, we can help you with the right defibrillator choice for your business. Give our team a call on 07 55205068 or visit our online store to find a suitable defibrillator. With the right defibrillator installed on your premises, you can rest easy knowing that if an emergency situation occurs, you have the best equipment to deal with it effectively.

Purchase a defibrillator at our online shop for your business today!

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