First Aid courses and tips for parents
With the weather warming up, the potential for injuries around the house with children will also start to increase as they start to spend more time outdoors and even in the swimming pool. As hard as we try, there are moments as parents where will miss things or we aren’t watching as our little ones hurt themselves. While we can’t be there for every single incident, knowing how to treat injuries is just as important.
Some potential first aid hazards for the warmer months include:
Bites: insects, spiders and snakes are all on the move as the temperature rises and it’s important to know how to recognise a bite, how to treat it and how to identify any reactions your child may be having from the bite.
Heat stroke: Heat stroke is a combination of extreme heat and dehydration and is extremely dangerous as organs can begin to shut down. Being able to identify the symptoms of heat stroke is imperative as is knowing how to treat it.
Cuts: As the days are getting longer, the amount of time kids will spend outdoors will also increase and the more adventurous they get, they greater the likelihood of cuts and bruises. It is important to know how to clean cuts, dress them and when they are deep enough that there could be stitches.
Drowning: Whilst this is not a nice topic, it is an unfortunate reality of living on the Gold Coast where nearly a third of backyards has a swimming pool or access to water. Knowing what to do with near-drownings whether it be resuscitation or a child knocking their head on the side of the pool is a responsibility of every parent.
The most important piece of first aid advice we can give to parents aside from the treatment is to stay calm. Whilst this can be hard when faced with a major injury, children will sense if the parent is panicked and this will increase their heart-rate and potentially cause more of a risk if they were otherwise calm. We also encourage parents to let their children explore and not worry too much about injuries. The fact is, no matter how careful we are, children will hurt themselves but knowing first aid will make this right-of-passage all the more easier.
We offer a comprehensive first aid course for parents, grandparents and care-givers and even encourage parents to bring their little ones along. Understanding first aid is a piece of mind you can give yourself as a parent. Contact us today for details on the next First Aid course for parents and Mums and Bubs based here on the Gold Coast.