Defibrillators, FAAE News

The defibrillator accessories you should invest in

school Defibrillator


The defibrillator accessories you should invest in

A defibrillator could be the difference between life and death for someone suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Your chances of surviving a cardiac arrest are drastically improved when a defib is used during resuscitation compared to when CPR is the only option available.

If you already have a defibrillator or you’re considering purchasing one, there are a few important defib accessories that are also needed. The experts at First Aid Accident & Emergency have put together a quick summary outlining some of the most important defib accessories you should invest in.

Replacement Battery & Electrode Pads:

It’s important to make sure that you have a set of replacement electrode pads and a battery ready for your defib. Most modern defibs will already come with a battery and electrode pads, but the battery life will only last for a certain amount of time. This is why it’s important to ensure you have a backup ready for when your existing battery has run out of charge.

Another essential you should invest in is a set of electrode pads and a battery suitable for children and infants. Cardiac arrest isn’t something that only happens to adults—children are also at risk. This is why it’s important to have a battery and pads ready that will be better suited to the smaller size of a child. The HeartSine Child Defibrillator Pads and Battery Pack is designed for children between the ages of 1 and 8 or for children weighing up to 25kg. This battery ensures that an appropriate shock is delivered to the child with an energy level that is better suited to their size.

AED Patient Prep Kit:

We also recommend you consider purchasing a patient prep kit. These types of kits have been specially designed to include everything you would need to properly prepare a patient before using a defibrillator on them. The AED patient prep kit that we supply includes:

  • Biological hazard bag
  • CPR mask
  • Gloves
  • Surgical razor for hair removal
  • Towelette
  • Universal shears for cutting clothing

Alarmed Defibrillator Wall Cabinet:
If your defibrillator has been purchased to be stored in a public space, such as at a workplace, shopping centre or gym, an alarmed wall cabinet is a very wise investment. These cabinets are fitted with an alarm and light which are activated when the cabinet is opened. It’s important for a defibrillator to be easily accessible in case of an emergency and a wall cabinet will allow you to store your defib in a visible place.

Most defibrillator cabinets are manufactured from durable metal materials to keep the defib safe, there will also be a glass window at the front so you can clearly see the defib inside.

If you would like further information on any of these defibrillator accessories—be sure to get in contact with the specialists at FAAE. To browse our defibrillator and defibrillator accessory range, check out our online shop today. 

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