COVID-19 & First Aid Training

As we are facing this international health crisis with the COVID-19 coronavirus, we have looked very seriously at facilitating courses in the current health environment and implemented strict hygiene protocols. We would like to inform you that our public and onsite first aid courses are still running.


Provide CPR HLTAID001: An Overview

One of the most popular courses on offer at First Aid Accident & Emergency is Provide CPR HLTAID001. We believe that being trained in CPR is extremely important for anyone because you never know when you may have to attempt to revive someone in an emergency. To help you learn a little more about our CPR course, we’ve created a summary.


Managing Severe Bleeding

Here at First Aid Accident & Emergency, we regularly teach our first aid students about the most accurate and up-to-date ways to deal with a wide range of emergency medical scenarios. One of these scenarios is how to best manage severe and life-threatening bleeding.


Tourniquets: Top Tips

If you find yourself in the middle of a medical emergency where life-threatening bleeding is involved, using a tourniquet is often your best option until medical assistance arrives. We’ve decided to share some of our knowledge with you on tourniquets, including a summary of what they are and how to use them.