Does your school have defibrillators?

CPR and defibrillator training


Does your school have a defibrillator?

Combined with the immediate application of CPR, a defibrillator is the only form of treatment for someone who has suffered from cardiac arrest. If used within 3-5 minutes of a person collapsing, their survival chances increase from 6% to 74%.

Scott, the Director of FAAE, recently delivered a couple of defibrillators to schools in South East Queensland.

Defibrillator packages for Schools

School Defibrillator pack

Shane from Assissi College with new AED

Silkwood School with their 2nd AED

If your school or workplace doesn’t have a defibrillator then contact the team at FAAE and we will help you out!

Call FAAE on 0755205068 or have a look at our great prices here www.firstaidae.com.au